Reputation Institute White Papers

Reputation Institute White Papers

2014 Leader's Survey White Paper
Playing to Win in the Reputation Economy
If you are uncertain about how you should tackle reputation management for your organization, you are not alone. Among the 301 business leaders from 29 countries across 28 industries who participated in the 2014 Reputation Leaders study, only 16% feel their organization has the full capabilities to manage reputation. The results outline a clear agenda with 65% of business leaders saying that reputation management is a top priority for executives and the Board of Directors.

Discover the 2014-15 Reputation Priorities from business leaders around the world. Learn where to start, the foundational competencies of the Reputation Competency Framework. Understand the six toughest capabilities to master, what matters most, and what success looks like. Download a complimentary copy of the white paper.

2013 Leader's Survey White Paper

Making the Grade When Stakeholders Rule
In our 2013 Annual Reputation Leaders Survey, Reputation Institute spoke to more than 300 executives at some of the world’s largest and most influential companies, and heard variations on this storyline time and time again: As much as reputation leaders (a diverse group, but most frequently the senior communicator, chief marketing officer or the head of business strategy) would like to be able to tell the CEO and the board that everything is under control, the fact is that when it comes to stakeholder relationship management, everything is not under control.

Although most companies agree that reputation management is important, relatively few have figured out how to harness its value. This year’s results indicate that although 79% agree that we now live in a Reputation Economy, a marketplace where who you are matters more than what you produce, only 20% say their company is ready to compete in it. Download a complimentary copy of the white paper.

Global CRO Paper

How Well are Pharma Companies Equipped to Manage Reputation?
Big pharma becomes "bad" pharma: How the pharmaceutical industry's biggest ailment became its own damaged reputation. What is the pharmaceutical industry's reputation today? What issues are driving the negative perceptions plaguing the industry? Which assessments are unsubstantiated and which are warranted? What can be done to restore trust and integrity? How should the industry improve transparency to comply with new legislation? Click here to download this complimentary white paper.
Global CRO Paper
Managing the Reputation of Places
Just like companies, the world's places—its countries, states, and cities—exist in a reputation economy. How they are perceived by tourists, investors, students, workers, and consumers can make the difference between having a robust or depressed economy. Unexpected bad news can suddenly undermine the fortunes of even the most popular places. But just like companies, countries and other places aren't defenseless: they, too, can (and must) manage their reputation. Click here to download this complimentary white paper.
Global CRO Paper
Why Implementing a Reputation KPI Should Be Your Next Management Move
Most businesses use key performance indicators (also referred to as KPIs) to help them define goals and measure success and in some cases, compensate employees. Sales, return-on-investment, customer satisfaction, and even employee engagement are all used as benchmarks by which corporations can measure their progress. A scorecard approach such as this works well on the whole. However, many companies overlook what has emerged as one of the most important performance factor of all: corporation reputation. Click here to download this complimentary white paper.
Global CRO Paper
Can Banks Recover Their Reputations?
Four years after their lending and trading mistakes nearly sank the global economy, banks are again back in the news for all the wrong reasons: Money laundering charges against HSBC and Standard Chartered. Multi-billion dollar trading losses at JP Morgan. And most of all, over the still-emerging LIBOR (London Inter-Bank Offered Rate) scandal, an incredible scheme in which traders at as many as 16 of the world's largest banks conspired to fix the world's most important interest rate. Click here to download this complimentary white paper.
Global CRO Paper
Navigating the Reputation Economy
In a world where a company with a bad reputation may be worth as little as a third of a similar company with an excellent reputation, even a huge cash hoard may be no more than a temporary buffer. Between a frustrated, skeptical public and populist politicians eager to capitalize on consumer resentment, many businesses may find their license to operate increasingly difficult to renew.

To help companies navigate this challenging environment, Reputation Institute undertook a global survey of corporate reputation officers in the first quarter of 2012. We asked 351 senior reputation leaders at 328 major companies around the world questions about how their company perceives and manages reputation. Navigating the Reputation Economy: A Global Survey of Corporate Reputation Officers will look deeply into the findings of this report. Click here to download this complimentary white paper.
US CRO Paper
The Reputation Edge
In its third annual US Chief Reputation Officer (CRO) poll of chief executive officers, chief marketing officers, and chief communications officers from 150 companies in the United States, Reputation Institute mapped companies along a five-phase reputation journey. Download this complimentary whitepaper to find out more about where these organizations are in their reputation journey. Click here to download this complimentary white paper.
UK CRO Paper
Corporate Reputation: The Main Driver of Business Value
In an increasingly competitive environment - as companies fight for revenue, growth, market share and loyalty - measuring and managing corporate reputation has become the key driver of business value. But how can reputation be actively used to underpin success? What are leading organizations doing to respond to the reputation economy? And what are their key challenges and priorities?

This paper shares insights from the 2012 CRO Study of 88 senior reputation leaders from 79 leading United Kingdom companies. Click here to download this complimentary white paper.